school labels
TagTop tip! Labelling socks to make family logistics easier
Parents of teenagers will know, comes a time in your family life when all your children decide to have the same socks. Same style, same br..
School bag checklist to pack for school
September rhymes (almost!) with the start of a new school year! Time to get ready! You may have already bought (and labelled!) everything ..
Free iron on decals for clothes and fabric items
The iron on decals are making their grand entrance at Mine4Sure, making going back to school fun and special! These 29 cut out and free ir..
The school essentials everyone needs
In the grand scheme of school life, parents find themselves facing the perennial challenge: Keeping track of their children’s school cloth..
The quickest way to label your children’s clothes!
Amongst our best-selling labels for school, the stick on clothes labels rank in the top 3, each Back to School season after season. This t..
Back to School Organisation: Helpful tips and ideas
Have you noticed how, every year, Back to School creeps up on us? It just feels like yesterday that summer was ahead of us and now Septemb..
Babies and children clothes size guide
We don’t know about you but here at Mine4Sure, we find that regardless if you have one, two, three or… six kids. finding your way through ..
How to sew in a name label by hand?
Mine4Sure’s sew in name labels are ideal to label clothes, jumpers and « handmade » knitted, crochet creations. Our personalised sew on la..
Iron on name labels: The easy solution to label all your clothes
Iron on name labels: The easy solution to label your clothes quickly and easily, in your name. Forget needles and threads, iron on clothin..
Our tips to remove iron-on clothing labels
It’s not a safe guarded secret, kids outgrow their clothes faster than fast! And more often than not, their clothes have still got some li..