Activity for kids
TagCertificate of Good Behaviour
In the run up to Christmas, the big question for children is “Has their behaviour met Santa’s requirements for them to be on his nice list..
Halloween ghost lanterns DIY
Halloween is fast approaching and we are all keen to turn our homes into real haunted houses! If you’re looking for an original, easy-to-m..
Autumn DIY: Forest Animals
Autumn is here! The trees are adorning their best colours, leaves are falling and the air is getting cooler. It’s the perfect time to spen..
3 fun-tastic timetables to download
Here we are! Kids are back to school and with it comes the challenge of organising the whole family’s logistics! To help you in this daunt..
3 very cute calendars free to download
The new school year is underway, and with it a rapidly filling diary.
Are you too, already, feeling the pinch of a new school year organi..
School bag checklist to pack for school
September rhymes (almost!) with the start of a new school year! Time to get ready! You may have already bought (and labelled!) everything ..
Free iron on decals for clothes and fabric items
The iron on decals are making their grand entrance at Mine4Sure, making going back to school fun and special! These 29 cut out and free ir..
Easter egg hunt certificate of Egg-Cellence
Easter is early this year and I am sure your little egg hunters are already hopping around, excited with the prospect of filling their Eas..
Mother’s Day Card DIY: everyone will love!
On March 10, it will be HER day! And mums all over the world love a little card telling them how much they are loved. Especially when it’s..
Beautiful flowery Easter Bunny DIY
Can you already hear the hoppity hippety hops of the Easter Bunny in the garden? With Easter fast approaching and being particularly early..