Tips and Tricks
CategoryMischievous Christmas elf: 7 easy antics ideas
Is a mischievous Christmas elf heading to your home soon? Be ready for a run up to Christmas full of of fun and laughter every morning!
The Official Tooth Fairy certificate!
Loosing their teeth is a big thing in any kids’ life and always come at the end of an exciting adventure: the tooth came off in the so..
How to sew in a name label by hand?
Mine4Sure’s sew in name labels are ideal to label clothes, jumpers and « handmade » knitted, crochet creations. Our personalised sew on la..
Personalised sewing labels: The perfect finishing touch
You love sewing, knitting, crochet ? You always have a sewing project on the go: making clothes, bags, hats, pouches … and are a firm beli..
Anti Monster Spray: To make bedtime a little bit easier!
Bedtime can be a stressful time for children. In addition to the separation with the rest of the family, being in the dark can be scary fo..
Iron on name labels: The easy solution to label all your clothes
Iron on name labels: The easy solution to label your clothes quickly and easily, in your name. Forget needles and threads, iron on clothin..
How to best pack for camp
Going to camp, on a school trip, to a scout week-end is always a big adventure! An adventure that starts for the “would be adventurers” as..
Starting childcare: what you should bring!
Taking the decision to use childcare for your little one is not an easy one to make! But be reassured, everybody will be fine! Already you..
Moving into a care home: Our tips to get ready
Moving a loved one into a nursing or care home is one of those BIG steps in one’s life. There is so much to think about and get ready in o..
Our tips to remove iron-on clothing labels
It’s not a safe guarded secret, kids outgrow their clothes faster than fast! And more often than not, their clothes have still got some li..