The New Year resolution all parents must keep up with

This might not come close to the top of the list when we think of New Year resolutions, but labelling the kids new clothes should be the New Year resolution all parents must keep up with. And the added bonus is that it is one easy to achieve!

name labels for clothes

New Year, new clothes! The New Year resolution parents should make

Among the fabulous presents Santa delivers on Christmas day, there’s often a brand new coat or a very special jumper knitted by Granny, some super warm gloves or hat.
Or you might have hit the high street and bagged up lots of bargains in the Boxing Day sales!
Things that you would not want to see disappear as soon as school has started again.

So if there is one New Year resolution all parents must keep with, this is it! Getting name labels for clothes!

Whatever your labelling needs, there are some labels that will fit the bill.

For school

Whether it is to label the school clothes or other personal belongings the kids need for school, our labels for school will do the job to perfection. Keep your peace of mind and your money safe, knowing that these mixed labels will help avoid the dreaded lost box and you having to buy costly replacements.

personalised name labels for school

For daycare and nursery

The start of the year is often when the little ones start nursery or daycare. Make a good impression on day 1 with all your baby’s stuff all labelled up. Nursery name labels will allow you to identify all of baby’s clothes, bottles and other stuff required by the organisation.

nursery name labels

For care homes

Comes a time when it is time for us to care for those who cared for us in our young age. I don’t know about you but knowing that they have a special cardi or blanket to keep them warm, or a treasure of their past independent life is often reassuring. Or clothes that we took care of choosing to show them how much we love them and think of them.
It’s a heartbreak if they go missing. Custom clothing labels or iron on name labels are exactly what they need to make sure they are reunited with their treasured items.

iron on labels


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