Easy Autumn DIY: Make this cute hedgehog!
September is almost gone, and Autumn is officially here! We love autumn days and all that they bring: Walks in the forest, splashing in puddles with wellies, collecting beautiful colorful leaves… And back home, keeping warm with a hot chocolate whilst having fun making this easy autumn DIY!
To celebrate this new season, we have the cutest autumn DIY: An adorable hedgehog to personalise with your forest found treasures!
Our Autumn DIY step by step :
To make this cute hedgehog autumn DIY, you will need :
- To download and print the template for this, oh so sweet, hedgehog
- Autum leaves in beautiful colours (small or big, it’s for your imagination to decide)
- Acorn cupules (their little hats), about 50
- Glue, we think liquid is best
- A pair of scissors
Making process :
First of all, have the children pick their favourite basket or totebag.
Then get them to put on their best wellies, wrap up in their favourite coat and woolly hats (all labelled with Mine4Sure’s name labels for clothes, obviously 😉).
And now, the best part, head for a stroll outside in the park or the forest to gather beautiful fall leaves and acorns.
Once back home, download and print the hedgehog template.
After getting cosy with a cup of hot tea or chocolate, cut the hedgehogs out.
Finally, let the kids’ imagination run loose to stick the leaves and/or cupules to cover the hedgehog’s body.
And here you have it: A gorgeous autumn hedgehog !
Don’t hesitate to share with us the final results if you do this DIY with your kids @mine4sure on Instagram and Facebook. Have fun !
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